Viesizrāde Rīgā (norises vieta - Dirty Deal Teatro).
Latvijas teātra izrāžu skate 2024 / Latvian Theatre Showcase 2024
Daugavpils teātra viesizrāde Dirty Deal Teatro
Četras dažāda rakstura sievietes stāsta par vienu un to pašu notikumu - kāds nopublicēts stāsts uzjunda varonēs atmiņas par notikumiem pie ezera, pie kura klusajiem ūdeņiem viņas visas kopā bija kādreiz devušās. Kāda turp devās, lai izrautos no savas ikdienas, kāda, lai izliktos, ka nekas nav mainījies, cita, lai atkal pabūtu tuvumā cilvēkam, kuru mīl. Tomēr ezera klusie ūdeņi nespēja sniegt atbildes uz visiem jautājumiem, kurus viņas sev uzdeva. Katra šajās pāris dienās klusībā izdzīvoja savu sāpi, kura palikusi pārējām, tostarp publicētā stāsta autorei, neapjausta un nu laužas ārā.
Dramatizējums pēc Regīnas Ezeras stāsta „Pie klusiem ūdeņiem” motīviem.
Skatītāju ievērībai!
Izrāde veidota kā ceļojums pa teātri un šo sieviešu likteņiem, katrai varonei atvēlot savu telpu, kurā dalīties ar savu iekšējo pasauli, sapņiem un nomoda pārdzīvojumiem. Pirms izrādes skatītāji tiks sadalīti grupās, un pēc katra stāsta noskatīšanās skatītājiem būs jāpāriet uz nākamo spēles laukumu (tostarp būs jākāpj uz 4. stāvu).
“Visā krāšņumā atklājas katras raibā un nesaķemmētā iekšējā pasaule, vientulīgi eksistenciālas stīgas par savu vietu dzīvē un nodzīvoto gadu lietderību… Katra pati par sevi – trāpīgs un vienlaikus skumjš vērtējums par cilvēka vietu pasaulē, kam taču būtu jāturas uz savstarpējas sapratnes un līdzjūtības saitēm.”
Teātra kritiķa Toma Čevera recenzija: Katrs pats par sevi.
“Šmukstes iestudējuma vērtība ir režisores prasme atvērt aktrises ļoti konkrētai, tuvplānu respektējošai komunikācijai ar skatītāju, gaidot no viņa nevis īpašu līdzdalību, bet uzklausīšanu, uzrunājot klusinātā intonācijā.”
Teātra kritiķis Atis Rozentāls, recenzija “Klusi ūdeņi un riskanti atvari”
Regīna Ezera, Agnese Rutkēviča
Beside Still Waters
Stories of dreams and wakeful longings
Language: Latvian
Runtime: 2 hours and 15 minutes
Four women open up about their intimate experiences of love and solitude, lay bare their dreams and share their memories of meaningful, life-altering events that happened near a certain lake.
A story surfaces in print, rekindling troubling recollections of a time spent near the quiet waters of a lake, where the protagonists, four women with specific ties to one another, had gathered at a certain point in their collective past. For one, the trip had been a way to break the dull monotony of daily life while for another – an effort to pretend that things were still what they had been before. Meanwhile, for yet another, the whole experience had been a precious chance to reconnect with someone dearly loved. In any case, the quiet waters gave no answers to the persistent questions the four women had been wrestling with. Instead, the time spent by the lake confronted each with her unspoken inner conflict, a deeply private struggle that remained unknown to her companions and the unnamed author of the fateful publication. Now, with the story out in print, the hidden pain they had so carefully suppressed is gushing forth in an unstoppable and sweeping wave of raw emotion.
Stage version of Regīna Ezera’s short story “Beside Still Waters”
What the reviews say:
“The audience will see in vivid detail the tangled inner world of the protagonists, their existential loneliness, their longing to belong and to believe that their entire lives have not been wasted... Each on their own – such is the sad yet fitting phrase that sums up the production’s poignant message about how people often feel in our alienated world that should, at least in theory, be stitched together with the deeply human ties of understanding and compassion.”
Toms Čevers, theatre critic, from “Each on Their Own [Katrs pats par sevi]”
“The greatest quality of Šmukste’s powerful production is the director’s skilful guidance of the actresses into a close-up intimate communication with the audience without expecting active or immediate engagement but rather looking to achieve attentive listening by adopting a softly hushed and subtle tone.”
Atis Rozentāls, theatre critic, from “Quiet Waters and Perilous Pitfalls [Klusi ūdeņi un riskanti atvari]”
Note to audience
To emphasise the play’s quadruple focus as it navigates the private histories of its four leads, this unconventional production takes the audience on a journey through different spaces in the theatre house. The stories will unfold each in its separate room, where each of the protagonists will search her soul, lay bare her dreams and openly reflect on meaningful, life-altering experiences. The audience will be divided into groups and move from space to space to follow each instalment in its separate setting.
Directed by Liena Šmukste
Dramatized by Agnese Rutkēviča
Scenography by Raimonds Vindulis
Costumes by Gatis Timofejevs
Lighting by Sergejs Vasiļjevs
Iveta – Liena Šmukste
Zita – Agnese Laicāne
Bella – Inese Ivulāne-Mežale
Mirdza – Kristīne Veinšteina
Premiered on 28th October 2023
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